
mood: achy

music: '1979' by the smashing pumpkins

so today i went to barnes and noble again. this time i actually bought something.

i bought a magnetic poetry set. clarification: 400 different words pasted onto little magnets. 400 easy-to-lose thingys. 400 little choking hazards. i've had my eye on this for quite some time now, and i finally decided to go thru with buying it.

anyways, tonight i wrote my first magnetic (and erotic) poem. i don't know how to add the spacings i used, though. some parts are heavily indented, but my tech-savvy isn't thorough enough to know how to do that. despite that, everything else here is how it is on my refrigerator, ready to embarrass my parents in the morning:

delirious whisper

beneath the summer sea they sing
a place of eternity
lust and rust
a sordid garden of life

fingers run atop her dress
leave it
light pounds at their skin
shadows ache
urgeing moaning
together they scream

also here's another one i wrote tonight that i think is at least halfway decent and proves my stance as a developing existentialist:


Bend me, fold me,
Make me yours.
As beautiful as I am,
Make me more.

Ignore my feelings,
The crunch of breaking bones.
After a while
They won’t matter anymore.

Don’t bother to tell me your ideas.
Do, don’t say.
Unframed, my life is as malleable as gold.
As ephemeral
As the shortest puff
From the longest cigarette.



Heather Meadows said...

I like "Origami". Kind of creepy.

As far as getting spacing on websites, that can be accomplished with about five million of these tags, though you'll note that their use is frowned upon.

The preferred method would probably be to tell the text where to go with CSS, but I don't know how to do that.

B Goei said...

thank you thank you

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B Goei