
mood: unnatural

music: 'only shallow' by my bloody valentine

i can't believe it's already august 28.

anyways, i'm not in the mood to elaborate (though i should) on the last 48 hours, but they have been pretty intense. i guess this is the abridged version, then.

i woke up on friday in an shaky mood so i called andres and kristy and we went to starbucks for company and so i could relax. then christian joined us. we talked about nothing and everything all at once.

then i left and picked up nikki and didn't know exactly where to go, so i drove everywhere and nowhere all at once.

finally, we decided on coldstones for ice cream and ate it in the car in the parking lot, as tradition dictates. we stayed there for a couple of hours, nikki being tired beyond belief and drawing the pringles guy on my windshield on the fog on my windshield with her foot. hilarity ensues.

once i bring her home, i head over to christian's house, where chan and christian were more than willing to get a little tipsy. i have one shot and a screwdriver and call it quits.

andres and kristy arrive and bring out the pipe. i have three hits and call it quits.

they leave and i sober up enough to drive the two drunkards around town for whatever strikes their fancy.

2AM: carl's jr.
2:30AM: eating burgers on the steps of beverly hills high.
4AM: stumbling stroll to the century city plaza and back.
6AM: breakfast at the west hollywood ihop and sunrise spectacular.

at 7AM chan and christian pass out and i refuse to sleep in the absence of darkness. i play gta: vice city until 10 to pass the time. nikki calls at 9 expecting a grumpy morning goei. finds and sleepless soul instead.

chan goes home, i go home. i call nikki and she comes over for a bit. she flips through photo albums and sips her lemonade. she hasn't slept yet either. nikki goes home at 4 to hang out with akino.

i do nothing for a few hours, then call allison to get some coffee. we drive around and meet with chris, andres, and kristy to eat dinner. persian.

we get coffee again at 10:30PM and end up in el segundo at the other coldstones without andres and kristy. we see r.j. nothing of interest occurs with r.j.

allison, chris, and i drive around in kentwood admiring houses for a while. pass by sam's house. pass by tseng's house. pass by coolio's house. i take them home.

i go home. i'm not tired and starting to think there's something wrong with that.


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